Gibt es eine Helmpflicht in Deutschland?

Is there a helmet obligation in Germany?

The question of a helmet obligation for cyclists in Germany concerns many cycling and repeatedly causes discussions. Whether on a cozy Sunday trip or on the daily way to work - the bicycle helmet is an important topic when it comes to safety in road traffic. Your helmet protects you on every trip, accidents, falls and collapse. But is there a helmet requirement at all? How are the laws regulated in the different federal states and have to wear children a helmet? The answers to these questions and other exciting facts as well as information can be found in our article. 

Temporary overview: Duty since when?

First of all, we look at the development of the bicycle helmet obligation together. 

To date, there is still no general legal obligation for cyclists in Germany. However, the discussion about a possible introduction has been with us for decades. Already in the 1980s, when bicycle helmets became more attractive for the first time, considerations came up with mandatory use.

Important milestones in the debate:

    • Since 1976: Helmets on motorcycles are mandatory 
    • 1990s: First campaigns for the voluntary use of a helmet are started
    • 2011: The then Minister of Transport Peter Ramsauer speaks for a helmet obligation, but encounters broad resistance
    • 2013: The Higher Regional Court of Schleswig-Holstein decides that cyclists can wear complicity in the event of accidents without a helmet
    • 2014: The Federal Court of Justice contradicts this view and makes it clear that there is no helmet obligation
    • 2019: Discussion about helmet obligation for e-bike travelers arises 

Despite recurring debates, the legislature has so far decided against general helmet obligation. Instead, on Enlightenment and voluntary use set.

Current legal situation: is there a helmet obligation for cyclists?

The short answer to the question "Is there a helmet requirement?" reads: No, there is no general legal helmet for cyclists in Germany. Neither the road traffic regulations (StVO) nor other federal laws provide for wearing a helmet when cycling.

However, the principle of personal responsibility applies. Every road user is encouraged not to endanger themselves and others. Wearing a helmet is therefore strongly recommended, but is a voluntary decision. In any case, we advise you to protect you and the others on road traffic. 

Special features of the helmet obligation for e-bikes

With e-bikes, a distinction must be made between different types. 

    • Pedelecs (up to 20 km/h): are legally considered bicycles, no helmet obligation
    • S-Pedelecs (up to 45 km/h): are considered small motorcycle, Helmet is compulsory
    • E-bikes with throttle grip: Depending on the top speed, they are considered a moped (Helmet) or small sky bike (Helmet)

So there is no special helmet for the increasingly popular pedelecs up to 20 km/h. Nevertheless, wearing a helmet is particularly advisable due to the higher speeds. 

A helmet is required in Germany to drive faster than 20 km/h. To the vehicles on which you have a one according to the law HELM must wear, belong:

                • Speed ​​pedelecs
                • Mopeds
                • Motorcycles and rollers
                • Mop 
                • Quads

Is there a helmet obligation for children?

There is no special legal helmet obligation for children in Germany. However, experts, traffic safety organizations and we at KED strongly recommend that Children should always wear a helmet while cycling. Many parents are already implementing this and are making a good example. In order to motivate the kids to wear a helmet, it is important that as a parent you also put on a helmet before cycling! 

Some federal states have determined in their school regulations that Students have to wear helmets on bike excursions. However, this only applies to school events.

Regulations in the different federal states

Although there is no nationwide helmet, some federal states have made special regulations. 

    • Baden-Württemberg: Helmet obligation for pupils on bike excursions
    • Thuringia: Helmet obligation for children up to 7 years as a co -travel on bicycles
    • Saxony-Anhalt: Recommendation for carrying helmet in the road traffic regulations

Driving without a helmet - punishment or not?

What legal consequences when driving a bike without a helmet do you have? 

Since there is no general helmet obligation, there are usually no direct legal consequences or punishments when driving a bike without a helmet. Likewise, there are no fines for driving without a helmet.

However, not carrying a helmet can have legal consequences for you in certain situations:

    • At Accidents Can it become one Debt discussion come
    • Insurance might Shorten services (This is controversial, individual case examination is necessary)
    • At gross negligence Could not carrying a helmet relevant

    E-bikes drive without a helmet: punishment and possible consequences

    When driving e-bike without a helmet, as we have briefly mentioned, a distinction must be made between the different types. 

    Since there is no helmet in the case of pedelecs up to 20 km/h, there is no penalty if you are caught without a helmet. With the S-Pedelecs and faster e-bikes, however, the helmet is required, which is why one applies Violation punished with fine can be. The height varies depending on the state, but is usually between 15 and 25 euros.

    Security aspects: Why is wearing a suitable protective helmet important?

    Now we look at a few statistics on bicycle accidents without a helmet. The numbers speak a clear language and should encourage all travelers to think without a helmet. 

      • Approximately 80% of severe head injuries in bicycle accidents might through a Helmet prevented or be mitigated
      • Cyclist without a helmet have a Two to triple higher risk for serious head injuries and other major damage 
      • At fatal bicycle accidents Wear only about 8% of the victims a helmet

    These statistics underline the enormous importance of bicycle helmets for safety in road traffic. 

    How many people wear a helmet? 

    Last year, according to the Federal Institute for Roads, the Bast, only 44.4% of the travelers worn a helmet. This number refers to trips in urban areas, both on the bike and on the pedelec. 

    If we look at the differences between bicycle and pedelec, one thing is particularly noticeable: The quota for carrying the helmet was only half as high for the cyclists as for the pedelec travelers. Only about 35% of the cyclists wore in 2023 helmets, while the pedelec users were over 65%. 

    It is positive that the quota was highest in the kids: because over 82% of 6 to 10 year olds carried a helmet during their trips last year.

    Protective effect of bicycle helmets in the event of accidents

    Modern bicycle helmets offer effective protection in the event of accidents and have become an integral part of road traffic. 

      • Reduction of impact energy by up to 80%
      • Reduction of the risk for traumatic brain trauma
      • Protection against injuries in the facial area

    The protective effect is scientifically proven and can save lives in an emergency or prevent serious injuries.

    Already knew?
    There is a test that illustrates very well how important it is that you and your loved ones always wear a helmet: the Melonest. That may sound a bit strange at first, but the test shows that if a melon falls onto the floor from about 1.50 meters, it breaks into many parts. But if we put on a helmet to the melon, it is completely protected and survives the impact without breaking. Fascinating, right? If we now imagine the whole thing with our own head, we quickly notice: the risk is too great, we should always wear a helmet when cycling! 

    Arguments for a general helmet obligation

    Increased security for cyclists: This is the most important reason for a helmet obligation. Proponents of a helmet obligation mainly argue with increased security.

      • Significant reduction in severe head injuries
      • Potential avoidance of fatal accidents 
      • Protection of particularly endangered groups (e.g. children, older people)
      • Sensitization to traffic safety

      Potential cost savings in the health system: Another argument for the helmet obligation is possible savings in the health system.

        • Less serious injuries mean lower treatment costs
        • Reduction of long -term consequences and care needs
        • Relief of social security systems

        Technical aspects: Which helmet is the right one?

        Now we all know how important a helmet is when driving. But which bike helmet is the right one for me? We should differentiate between bicycle and e-bike helmets. 

        Not every helmet is suitable for every type of bike:

          • Classic bicycle helmets: Light, well ventilated, suitable for normal bicycles
          • E-bike helmets: Increased protection, often with integrated visor or chin bracket
          • MTB helmets: Additional protection in the back of the head area, more robust construction

        When choosing the right helmet, the bike type, type of use and personal preferences should be taken into account. For example, if you only want to drive around a little in the city, a classic bicycle helmet is probably sufficient. However, if you are more adventurous, a mountain bike helmet is certainly not wrong! 

        Social acceptance of bicycle helmets

        The change of the image of bicycle helmets: helmets are finally announced!

        The acceptance of bicycle helmets has improved significantly in recent years. We have selected a few suitable and interesting facts for you: 

          • Rising helmettrage rates, especially with younger cyclists
            What exactly does that mean? In 2010 only 9% wore a helmet, in 2020 it was 25% and 44% last year.
          • Helmets are becoming increasingly Fashionable accessory perceived
          • Prominent role models, like Dietmar Bär, Sebastian Krumbiegel & Boris Palmer, contribute to popularity
          • The former "uncool factor" of helmets is no longer available 

        At KED, we not only attach great importance to your security, but also want to present you a variety of unusual designs. Therefore you will find colorful, multifaceted helmets in our shop and even Custom helmetsthat you can design your personal taste. 

        Campaigns to promote voluntary use

        The change in the Helm-Image is also thanks to the numerous motivating campaigns that are available throughout Germany. 

        Instead of coercion, many organizations rely on education and motivation:

          • "I wear helmet" initiative of the German traffic watch
          • "Protect your best" & 
          • “Wear helmet. Be a role model. " - Two campaigns by “Give eight in traffic” 
          • Regional actions of schools, clubs and municipalities, such as Action Bicycle

        These campaigns aim to increase voluntary helmet use in both adults as well as in children and adolescents and to raise awareness of traffic safety. We say: hat off - or probably better: helmet! - to the organizers of these campaigns. Protect yourself and those traveling in traffic by wearing a cool and protective helmet. 

        Conclusion: personal responsibility vs. legal regulation

        Even if there is no general legal helmet obligation, all arguments for wearing a helmet speak when cycling. It is a question of personal responsibility and security for you and all traffic participants. 

        At KED we attach great importance to your safety. Our helmets combine the latest protective technologies with an appealing design and high wearing comfort. Whether for the City, the terrain or special E-bike models, We have the right helmet for you. Now discover our diverse range of bicycle helmets and find your perfect companion for more security on two wheels. 

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