
Richtige Fahrradhelm Größe finden – so sitzt dein Helm perfekt

Find the right bike helmet size - so your helme...

When you are on the bike, a helmet is essential, we all already know that. But did you know that a poorly fitting helmet cannot protect yourself optimally - or...

Find the right bike helmet size - so your helme...

When you are on the bike, a helmet is essential, we all already know that. But did you know that a poorly fitting helmet cannot protect yourself optimally - or...

Cross Rennen Rund ums Radstation mit BaWü Meisterschaft 17.11.2024 – KEDs Rückblick

Cross race around the bike station with BAWÜ ch...

We at KED are enthusiastic that on November 17, 2024 we were part of the exciting cross race around the Radstadion in Öschelbronn. What a sporty and exciting day! The...

Cross race around the bike station with BAWÜ ch...

We at KED are enthusiastic that on November 17, 2024 we were part of the exciting cross race around the Radstadion in Öschelbronn. What a sporty and exciting day! The...

Kinderfahrrad Zubehör

Children's bike accessories - so your kids are ...

Which Children's bike Accessories makes cycling even safer and more fun for the little ones? 

Children's bike accessories - so your kids are ...

Which Children's bike Accessories makes cycling even safer and more fun for the little ones? 

K-Star Pure – sichtbarer im Verkehr

K-star Pure-more visible in traffic

The innovative K-star Pure coating makes your helmet & your next trip even safer!

K-star Pure-more visible in traffic

The innovative K-star Pure coating makes your helmet & your next trip even safer!

Tipps für sicheres Mountainbiken

Tips for safe mountain biking

Mountain biking is more than just a sport - every trip on the mountain bike is a real adventure in nature that challenges and inspires. But so that you can...

Tips for safe mountain biking

Mountain biking is more than just a sport - every trip on the mountain bike is a real adventure in nature that challenges and inspires. But so that you can...

Warum E-Bike Fahrende spezielle Helme benötigen

Why e-bike need special helmets

Why e-bikes require a special helmet and what is important when choosing the right helmet.

Why e-bike need special helmets

Why e-bikes require a special helmet and what is important when choosing the right helmet.